Fordie is a landscape-scale Scottish estate which contains a variety of habitats and land uses, which are managed together to provide diverse ecosystems, biodiversity benefits and timber production and to promote sustainable land management. We aim to demonstrate a greenprint for a highland business that delivers a blend of financial, environmental and social returns to benefit both people and nature.
The estate includes commercial and amenity woodlands, peatland & wetland habitats, an upland livestock enterprise fishing and several options for holiday accommodation. There is also a run-of-the-river hydro system that generates renewable electricity for the local grid and diverse wooded and montane landscapes starting in the Strathearn river valley and rising to Ben Chonzie (a Munro at 3,054 feet) which offers beautiful walks and stunning views.
We combine these enterprises to create and maintain wonderful habitats for a wide variety of native wildlife, plant and increase natural regeneration of new trees and allow people – both local and visitors from further afield – to enjoy these beautiful places for both work and recreation.